Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Week 13: Online Self Audit

Google Utilizing Data Tracking 

While it shouldn't come as a surprise, Google tracks what you are searching by browsing through your google history. 

So you find yourself asking, "What's the big deal". What many internet users don't know about Google's tracking activity is how in-depth and far they go. They tally up all of your purchasing transactions based on digital receipts that you choose to receive through your Gmail account.

Many people use Gmail for storage and organization, however, what these Gmail users are not aware of is when they are using Gmail, they are giving consent to Google to search through their inbox to assemble a folder of all of your past purchases. 

When Google was questioned about this by one of their Gmail users, Google responded to by stating that the reason they gather purchase data is: 
"To help you easily view and keep track of your purchases, bookings, and subscriptions in one place, we've created a private destination that can only be seen by you."

What does that mean? 
Essentially, the point of Google gathering this data is there to give you the ability to track packages, renew subscriptions, and even cancel reservations. 
All in all, it is important to ensure that you are aware of what you are signing up for when you make any sort of account, whether it be a Gmail account or a social media account. When we click "yes" that can also mean giving the owner of these accounts access to your credit card transactions.

My personal takeaway
There are so many different platforms that when I sign up for one I need to make sure that the terms and conditions that I am agreeing to are not only reasonable but that they are safe and protect my privacy. Snapchat is just a small example of a user not being aware of what they are giving up when they sign up. When you sign up for snapchat, you click "agree" to a license agreement that states that your snapchats may be purchased by a future employer. Ultimately, even when you think something is gone it will be out there forever and the platform in which you are using may have rights you aren't even aware of. 


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