Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Week 16: Kim Jong-Un Possibly Dead

Missing in Action: Kim Jong-Un

Amidst all the coverage surrounding Covid-19, this past week there has been lots of news coverage and reports regarding North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un.
North Korea's Communist dictator, Kim Jong-un (believed to be 36 years old) missed his famous Grandfather's, Kim II Sung 108th annual birthday commemoration on April 15th. His whereabouts remain unknown and he has not been seen in public or heard from since April 11th.

American President Donald Trump spotted with Kim Jong-Un in North Korea in June of 2019

Possible theories on his whereabouts
While nobody knows for sure where Kim Jong-Un is, or where his health status stands, below are some of the most talked-about theories from reporters all around the world:
  • He was injured in a cruise missile test
  • He had a botched heart surgery
  • He is perfectly healthy and is just "laying low" to avoid catching Covid-19.
The effect Media has on this story
If it weren't for the media and reporters all around the world, this highly-covered news-story would not be a thing. North Korea has always been very private about everything, and different countries are now using satellites to "spy" and look for any sign of Kim Jong-Un's whereabouts. 

What happens if Kim Jong-un is unable to rule his country?
In the United States, if our president was unable to perform his duties as President, the Vice President would take over, and in the small chance that the Vice President was also unable then the next person in the line of succession takes over. This is where the black and white area for North Korea comes into play. If Kim Jong-un is unable to rule, North Korea has no "line of succession plan" in place. 
There has been some talk that either Kim Jong-un's sister, Kim Yo Jong would take over, or his uncle, Kim Pyong II would take over. While each country has its own theory of Kim Jong-un's health status, none have been proven to be true and the truth is still unclear.

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