Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Week 14- How Our Privacy Is Constantly Being Violated

Privacy Being Violated

When people think about privacy, now more than ever their thoughts go directly to the internet. 

Electronic devices all of which include smartwatches, smartphones, amazon's Alexa, connected cars, smart toys, and drones are using their sensors and software to gather information and data about people. 

Personally, one of my biggest fears is the violation of my privacy. This fear doesn't stem from me having things to hide, but it stems from the rights that I am given in the fourth amendment of the constitution. 

What I didn't realize for the longest time, is that even though the 4th amendment exists, privacy violations happen every day. Celebrities, in particular, are always getting their rights violated when it comes to privacy violations. 

"The Fappening" which occurred in 2014 is a prime example of how rights were violated, specifically the rights of celebrities. 

Ultimately, the Fappening "exposed how little security celebrities had on their personal online accounts and how easily hackers were able to gain access to them."

After watching these Ted Talks about privacy, I realized that I didn't understand the extent to which it could be violated. We are always being watched, our internet searches are always being monitored, it is even possible for someone to go as far as to listen in on the private conversations you have in your own home through a device known as the "ring". 

It frustrates me to see how often our privacy gets violated, it makes me understand the importance of being cautious when doing things that you would have never expected would be watched. It is possible for any electronic device to have glitches, and after watching these Ted talks, this is where my attention went to the most. 

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