Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Exam Post: My Relationship with Technology

Technology & I

It is so often now that we hear of a new technological breakthrough product is coming out. For example, it seems like each time a new iPhone gets released, the announcement that a newer one is getting released only one month later.
Due to the technological advances in our world today, I would say that I am pretty connected to both of my devices. My laptop and my iPhone. While there are many advantages to having high-tech devices like these, there are also disadvantages. oftentimes, I find myself missing out on the little things, or not paying attention to something important because I was looking at my small screen. 

Viewing Mobile Data on your iPhone
A feature on the iPhone that I just recently became aware of is "screen time". With this feature, you can see exactly how much time you are spending on your screen as well as how your usage data from one day compares to the other days in the week. 

So how do I view my screen time?
Settings-->scroll down--> Click "Screen time"

This is my screen time. If I were to click on "See all activity", I would be given access to view more specific data regarding: 

-My percentage of increase or decrease from last week
-Total time spent on my screen in the entire week
-Time spent on "entertainment"
-Time spent on "reading & reference"
-Time spent on "social networking" 

You are also able to see how much time you spent on each of your apps, and if you want to view your daily usage data, instead of weekly you can click on "day".

Benefits of monitoring "Screen time"
  • access to "real-time reports" 
  • The ability to set limits for yourself or your children
  • Helps to improve sleep
  • Fewer distractions
  • increased time to try new activities

How access to "screen time" can benefit the kids of the younger generation
If parents monitor their kids' screen time starting at a young age, when they get older they will not feel as inclined to constantly be checking their devices. When I was younger, before access to "screen time" data existed, I was given no restrictions. Due to that, I feel like I spend more time on social media, and on my phone in general. While this can mostly be seen as a benefit, it can also be viewed negatively because my devices can be distracting to what is going on in the real world around me. I plan to limit my use that I spend on social media, or things that aren't completely necessary.

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Final Exam Post: My Relationship with Technology

Technology & I It is so often now that we hear of a new technological breakthrough product is coming out. For example, it seems like ...