Thursday, February 20, 2020

Week 6 EOTO COM Tech Timeline: The Invention of Motion Picture

The Impact of Motion Picture

In 1892, Thomas Edison along with William Kennedy Dickson invented the motion picture camera. Edison was an inventor and Dickson was one of his employees that helped him create the very first motion picture camera.

William Kennedy Dickson

Thomas Edison

While Dickson was working for Edison, Edison had him design a "peep-hole" device that attached to the camera allowing for a viewing hole to utilize while the camera was filming. This device was known as a kinetoscope. The kinetoscope was added to the camera to become known as the motion picture camera we know today. The camera itself was shown in 1892, but in 1893, the motion picture camera was officially completed with the kinetoscope being a crucial part of it. When looking through the kinetoscope, the film was traveling at 40 frames per second. While the kinetoscope was the device that launched the motion-picture industry, that didn't mean there were no flaws in the camera. For example, There were certain aspects that made the camera's technical abilities unsuitable for projectors. 


Although Edison gets credit with inventing the first motion picture camera, he was not involved in any improvements that were added later on to the motion picture camera. At first, none of Edison's motion pictures were projected and only one viewer could watch the film at the time and that was by looking through the kinetoscope.

What is the Motion Picture Camera?

A motion picture camera is also commonly referred to as a "movie camera". It is used to record a series of images on a reel of film, and later it gets re-positioned. The reason the motion picture camera became such a significant camera is it works around the problem of "reproducing and recording moving images".  The motion picture camera is made up of a "body", "a film-transport system", "lenses", "a shutter", and a "viewing-focusing system". In 1894, motion picture cameras began getting marketed and sold commercially for $250-$300 each. The illumination in the film was provided by an electric light bulb that was placed directly under the film.

 motion picture camera

When Edison first starting experimenting with his newly created motion picture camera, he started out by photographing a series of pictures that were on a cylinder. The photographs on the cylinder were then viewed by Edison through a microscope as they began to spin around.

    The World's First Motion Picture Film

The First Public Movie Screening: The Lumière 

In 1895, the world experienced its first-ever commercial public movie screening. It took place at a cafe in Paris and was made by two French brothers. 

This film would not have been done without the two french brothers, Louis and Auguste who came out with the camera projector, which is known as the cinematographe. Most importantly, this film would not have been possible if it weren't for Edison and Dickson's invention of motion picture film.

The film, referred to as called the Lumière was a series of several short scenes that took a look into the scenes of an average person living a normal day in French life.

Motion Picture's Significance 

Although the film industry has influenced since when it first came out, it influences us today greatly as well. Without film, we wouldn't be able to stream and binge-watch our favorite tv shows on Netflix, or Hulu. We wouldn't even be able to click the on button on our smart-tv remotes and tune in to the daily news, sporting events, tv shows, and so much more.

In 1905, the world's very first movie theatre opened up in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The theatre was named the "Nickelodeon". Being able to attend a movie cinema and sit down and watch a film on a large screen was a huge advancement.

World's first movie theatre
It was especially convenient in the 1930s during the Great Depression. The film industry made a fortune during this time period, even though you would expect them to lose money. People wanted a way to distract themselves and get away from their problems for a short amount of time, and seeing a film provided just that.


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