Thursday, February 6, 2020

Donald Trump's Impeachment Acquittal

In this class, we have talked about legislation and the constitution, which leads to the process of impeachment. The legislative body's job is to decide and vote upon whether or not the president is guilty.

Over the past couple of months, we have all heard about how Donald Trump was impeached. Now,  after three weeks of trial, the Constitutional court has finished voting to determine if he is guilty or not. Trump was charged on two accounts. The first one being obstruction of justice and the second being abuse of power. As of yesterday, February 5th, the impeachment was acquitted in the U.S. Senate.

Out of all the presidencies to ever occur in the United States, only three presidents have gone to trial for impeachment. In the history of all of our presidencies, a president has never been removed by the Senate. The Constitution requires a majority vote with 2/3rds of the votes for the president to be convicted. Trump won the first article of impeachment (abuse of power) 52-48 and the second article of impeachment (obstruction of justice) 53-47.

This impeachment trial has been a very controversial one since Trump is a very opinionated president and voices his thoughts, causing people, especially the democratic party to become enraged on frequent occasions.

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