Thursday, January 30, 2020

Are We Taking Freedom of Speech Too Far with Social Media?

One of the most talked-about and controversial amendments today is the first amendment which articulates the importance of freedom of speech. Since the internet is so prevalent today, people are using social media as a platform to exercise the first amendment.

Using social media and the internet as a way to express your thoughts and feelings is happening more and more. Celebrities and politicians, especially, have countless opportunities to get their thoughts out there and have people see them through social media. We see it from our own president, Donald Trump who tweets about all kinds of issues. While it is true, that thanks to the first amendment we have the freedom to speak freely, many are beginning to wonder if we are abusing our right to freedom of speech.

In 1996, after congress passed section 230, any comments in the media are only comments by the person who wrote and released them, and not the platform in which they were released. The question is now becoming if this section 230 that was passed in 1996 is being taken too far, and if people are taking advantage of it. 
This is a controversial view for many because, in today's world, social media has been used to demonstrate the freedom of speech by starting some of the most important social movements, including the major ones below.

The Growing Threat to Free Speech Online

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