Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Progressive Era:

Content from Antiwar Liberalists

After visiting and looking around on the antiwar website, one of the first things I noticed was that everything that is featured on this website is never featured on mainstream news sites such as FOX, CNN, ABC, etc. Many of the words used in articles found on these websites seem like they are used in an attempt to get readers to feel a certain way about certain situations. With big news media outlets, this can be considered unprofessional and big news outlets tend to steer clear from this. 

The position of those who publish articles for this website tend to be against the U.S. being involved in foreign wars and are liberalists. sounds like it is a platform for people with many political opinions where they are able to voice their opinions. The reason we never hear about this stuff from news outlets such as CNN or FOX is because the anchors covering the news are paid to inform us on the facts, not their opinions. 

While this website is protected by the United States First Amendment, freedom of speech, it doesn't surprise me that this isn't a well-known or visited site considering some of the news they report is false and some of the facts they have reported have been proven to be false.

People who are not libertarian, or that are republican in specific would most likely get angry after reading some of these stories since the viewpoints are so liberal.

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