Monday, March 30, 2020

Week 11: The Eight Values of Free Expression

The Value of Protecting Dissent
There are 8 values that we consider to be a part of the values of free expression. Amongst the 8 values are:
  •  Marketplace of Ideas
  • Participation in Self-Government 
  • Stable Change
  • Individual Self-Fulfillment 
  • Check on Governmental Power
  • Promote Tolerance
  • Promote Innovation
  • Protect Dissent: The value I personally deem the most important, inspiring, and most meaningful
The values of Free Speech fall under the First Amendment of the Constitution, and to this day remains one of the most popular rights in the Constitution

To me, the value of protecting dissent is the freedom of all U.S. citizens to have the right to express their opinions without being held back or restrained by the government. The right to dissent ultimately means freedom of speech, which as you can see above, falls under the first amendment.

I feel that one of the reasons America is so special when being compared to other nations is that U.S. citizens are given the opportunity for freedom regarding all topics and they are also encouraged to have their own viewpoints and thoughts. To me, this is one of the many reasons America is so powerful.  I feel that U.S. citizens' right to dissent is a right that will continue to be "crucial" to our American Democracy. 

Our right to freedom of expression goes hand in hand with our right to dissent. The right to dissent is not only one of the most important values of free expression, but it is also a "fundamental human right". Some important examples of people who are now considered to be American heroes and activists based on their beliefs and opinions are Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, and Matin Luther King. Based on these few examples of people, it is clear that the right to dissent paves the pathway for those who become and those who are already famous activists.

"The ability to express our opinion and speak freely is essential to bring about change in society."

The right to dissent is inspiring because it allows for some of the most important events in history to be talked about by those whom we consider American heroes. A human rights activist named Peter 
Tatchell feels that one of the best ways we can move forward is by people with different views challenging their opposing views. 

“Free speech does not mean giving bigots a free pass. It includes the right and moral imperative to challenge, oppose and protest bigoted views. Bad ideas are most effectively defeated by good ideas – backed up by ethics, reason – rather than by bans and censorship.”

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