Monday, March 30, 2020

Week 12: Diffusion of Innovations

Technology: Snapchat 

What is Snapchat?
Snapchat is a "multimedia messaging app used globally" where one can send videos, photos, and chats that disappear after viewing them. 

According to the main website of Snapchat, is it described as "a new kind of camera that's connected to your friends and the world"

How Snapchat became so popular
I would say one of the main reasons that Snapchat became so popular was because you were able to edit your photos in the app, add geofilters to show your location in a creative way, or filters to your face. While Snapchat is most commonly used by younger generations as a way of communication, as it continues to evolve it finds new uses. It can also be utilized by companies to market their products, show behind the scenes footage of their employees or their workplace, and even gives celebrities a platform to follow in order to stay updated on what is going on in their life.

Snapchat's Early Adopters
Snapchat has been successful since day 1. Ultimately, the early adopters of Snapchat were younger kids. between the ages of 13-20. Snapchat is popular amongst young teenagers because of its ability to allow users to begin what is known as "snap streaks". Each day your streak will increase by 1 and represents the number of days you and a Snapchat friend have snapchatted back and forth (by picture or video, not chat). Snapchat streaks don't start until day 3 of sending consecutive snaps.

Negative Consequences in the Use of Snapchat
People often post stuff on Snapchat that they don't feel is serious enough to post on their other social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) Sharing videos through Snapchat and uploading the videos on to what is known as your "My Story" is also becoming more and more popular. With the popularity of posting on Snapchat, also comes consequences. Often times teens think that since the Snapchats disappear after a certain amount of time, they can post whatever they want. This, however, is not the case. When you sign up for Snapchat you sign a license agreement, which states that anyone, typically companies, though can purchase all the Snapchat that you have posted. If someone is posting negative information about someone else, or them partaking in illegal activities this can create issues for the snapchatter.  Snapchatters now can create a private story which is a completely separate story from their "My Story" and only those they select can see it. However, snapchatters are warned about what they post as people can take screenshots as well as spread them between one another.  Unless you turn Snapchat on "ghost mode", all of your friends can see your location on what is known as "snap maps". 

The blue chat icon in the bottom left indicates that the snapchatter has a snapchat(s) to open from friends. Below where it says "My Story" are subscriptions you can subscribe to for free to get your news from your favorite news outlets. Below those, are where the stories that you post to snapchat show up for you to see.

Major Takeaway from using Snapchat
There are always going to be consequences for what you post on social media, no matter what platform you post it on, so always think twice about what you post before posting.

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